Display Array of Data with Paging

I found this artifac in my codeigniter helper hehe..
I used it to display array of data per page with these parameter :
1. $data = array of data
2. $currentpage = page you want to display
3. $rowperpage = number of data to display per page
4. $rowcount = number of data in $data (actually you can count it with count($data) 😀 silly me)

I hope this help someone although it need some adjustment


    function get_display_data($data, $currentpage, $rowperpage, $rowcount)
        $numrowperpage = $rowperpage;
        $numrowtotal = $rowcount;
        $num_page = ceil($numrowtotal/$numrowperpage);
        if($num_page < $currentpage) $currentpage = $num_page;
        if($currentpage == 0) $currentpage = 1;
        $myoffset = $rowperpage * ($currentpage - 1);
        $array_data = array();
        $num_display = (($rowcount-$myoffset) < $rowperpage) ? ($rowcount-$myoffset) : $rowperpage;
        for($i=$myoffset; $i<($myoffset+$num_display); $i++)
            array_push($array_data, $data[$i]);
        //return $array_data;
        $array = array('result' => $array_data,
                        'rowcount' => $rowcount,
                        'currentpage' => $currentpage,
                        'rowperpage' => $rowperpage);
        return $array;

Published by indradhi

coding + sharing = influence

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