SQL Server Procedure to Export Query result to Excel

I recently created these SQL Server 64 bit Procedure to help export query result to existing excel enjoy USE [devdb] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[exportquery2excel] Script Date: 11/14/2014 4:01:12 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO — ============================================= — Author: Indradhi Nugraha Mulyanto — Create date: 15/11/2014 16:02 — Description: Export QueryContinue reading “SQL Server Procedure to Export Query result to Excel”

Resolved ‘uuid’ is not allowed in element when open jrxml in iReport

Sometimes when using iReport in windows, the jrxml cannot be opened because of ‘uuid’ is not allowed in element. The most simple things you can do is to open the jrxml in text editor that support regular expression replacement, find this regex uuid=”[^”]*”   or uuid=”\w*-\w*-\w*-\w*-\w*”  then replace it with blank string. That’s it now tryContinue reading “Resolved ‘uuid’ is not allowed in element when open jrxml in iReport”

Display Array of Data with Paging

I found this artifac in my codeigniter helper hehe.. I used it to display array of data per page with these parameter : 1. $data = array of data 2. $currentpage = page you want to display 3. $rowperpage = number of data to display per page 4. $rowcount = number of data in $dataContinue reading “Display Array of Data with Paging”